Help Us Stay Fine Free

At Snyder County Libraries, we strive to create a welcoming and accessible environment for everyone in our community. In 2020, we made the decision to discontinue overdue fines, recognizing that it was unfair to penalize our patrons for pandemic-related disruptions. To our delight, many long-overdue items were suddenly returned, confirming our belief that fines were a barrier to library access. Users who owed fines felt more comfortable staying away from the library rather than negotiating their fines. This was never our intention. Our goal has always been to encourage community members to utilize and enjoy our library resources.

Since going fine-free, we’ve seen positive changes, and we have no desire to revert to the old system. However, the reality is that fines provided crucial funding for purchasing new materials and supporting library programming. To address this, we initiated a “waive and request” approach. When we waived fines, we invited users to consider making a donation instead. This approach has been incredibly successful. Users who would have owed mere cents in fines often donated several dollars, turning a punitive experience into a positive, charitable act.

Inspired by this success, we are excited to introduce an opportunity for our patrons to support the library through small, recurring monthly donations via PayPal. Even the smallest contributions—whether it’s $0.25, $0.50, or $1—can make a significant difference. If each of our users makes a modest monthly donation, we can ensure the continuation of our fine-free policy while still acquiring new materials and supporting library programs.

Your generosity will help us maintain an inclusive library environment where everyone feels welcome. To contribute, just click the button below and set up your recurring donation through PayPal. Together, we can keep Snyder County Libraries a fine-free and flourishing resource for all!

As always, thank you for your support!

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